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MaterialenNL Conference 2023

Tuesday 12 December 2023 / 09.00 - 17.00
National Sports Centre Papendal, Arnhem.

MaterialenNL Conference 2023

The MaterialenNL Platform announces its first national materials conference. On the 12th of December 2023, the MaterialenNL Conference 2023 will be held at the National Sports Centre Papendal, Arnhem.

Uniting forces

Materials are everywhere, for everyone! The MaterialenNL Platform is joining forces with M2i, 4TU.HTM, TNO, NWO, ChemistryNL, Holland High Tech and Top sector Energy to unite the entire materials community at the MaterialenNL Conference 2023.

Register now! Register here!
Deadline for poster abstracts is 20 November

12 December 2023, National Sports Centre Papendal, Arnhem
Preliminary programme

It is time for awareness, action & innovation. Join the MaterialenNL community!


The energy and materials transition towards a CO2-neutral and economically healthy society requires a high level of materials awareness in all sectors and layers of society. In this process, the scientific and industrial materials community heavily relies on policy, economic and societal factors: companies need support from the government; scientific knowledge development and transfer is critical. The MaterialenNL Conference 2023 brings together all these aspects and offers a broad package of activities.

What to expect

The conference will be centered around four themes that materials research plays a critical role in:

For the first edition all lectures during the parallel sessions will be given by invited speakers. The aim is to have a combination of lectures from representatives from universities (of applied science), research institutes and companies in each track.

Keynote speakers

Bert Meijer - Eindhoven University of Technology
Title: From supramolecular polymers to functional materials

Ke Wang, Program Director - Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy
Title:  Let's talk about energy minerals

More information (incl. biographies and abstracts)


Critical Raw Materials for the energy transition

Materials for circularity & sustainability

Creating the next generation of functional materials

Materials for life/consumer materials

Prior to the MaterialenNL Conference, on the 11th of December, the M2i Community Conference takes place.