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+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


4TU.Energy PhD course 2024

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4TU Energy Calls for Funding

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4TU Alliance on Energy Access

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4TU.Energy will connect and build upon the individual strengths of the 4TUs and facilitate coordination and collaboration among researchers in the field of energy to accelerate the transition toward a carbon-neutral future.

This is where:

Together we aim to accelerate the Energy Transition! 


4TU Centre for Energy (4TU.Energy) is the knowledge centre on the topic of Energy of the four universities of technology in the Netherlands (Delft University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Twente and Wageningen University and Research).

4TU.Energy strives to accelerate the society’s transition to a carbon-neutral future by connecting and leveraging its energy community. We do this by, among others, creating research and education overviews and activities, such as the 4TU.Energy Community Day. In addition to our existing research and education capacities, 4TU.Energy aims to build human capital and research infrastructures. This means that we offer support and funding for activities exploring creative new combinations of scientific fields such as staff exchange, workshops, and courses for PhD candidates.

Connect with us and explore new opportunities in Energy research! David Smeulders

4TU.Energy Scientific Director

Contact us today!

Contact information

Dr. Sha Lou

4TU.Energy Coordinator


Telephone: +31 (0) 634 596 298

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Latest News
4 Jul 2024
Call for co-mentors with Deloitte for Future of Energy Business Course
Deloitte's "Future of Energy Business Course” is intended to bring engineering students the business perspective of the energy transition. With this news, we call for co-mentors to together help students on the energy content and business ideas.
Coming events