Through digitalization of the building and construction sector, we will be able to build safer, faster and more sustainable.
Climate Adaptation & Mitigation
Climate Adaptation and Mitigation focuses on preventing (or slowing) global warming, and on adapting the built environment to climate change.
Energy Transition
Technologies and processes to speed up large scale renovation of existing buildings to reduce the energy demand and integrate technologies for the production, storage and distribution of sustainable energy.
Circularity & Sustainability
Accelerate the transition to a more circular and sustainable construction environment.
Future proofing and enhancing sustainability in the renovation and development of infrastructure.
Health in the Built Environment
Studying and simulating healthy behavior, evaluating and acting upon climate change
6 Sep 2024
AI verbetert de levensstandaard van ouderen
Een op maat gemaakte spraakassistent en een machine learning model zijn twee voorbeelden van hoe AI de levensstandaard van ouderen op het platteland kan verbeteren.
Verrassend genoeg brengen mensen in Europa en Noord-Amerika gemiddeld 90% van
Verrassend genoeg brengen mensen in Europa en Noord-Amerika gemiddeld 90% van
6 Sep 2024
Elderly's living standards improve with AI
A tailor-made voice assistant and a machine learning model are two examples of how AI can improve the living standards of elderly people in rural areas.
To many, it might come as a shock, but people in Europe and North America spend, on average, 90%
To many, it might come as a shock, but people in Europe and North America spend, on average, 90%
19 Jun 2024
Studenten bouwen ingenieuze huizen om bouwproblemen op te lossen
Een grote werkplaats en een rommelig kantoor vol ambitieuze studenten. Zij bouwen vandaag al de huizen van de toekomst. Het doel: de bouwsector laten schudden op zijn grondvesten.
19 Jun 2024
Students build ingenious houses to solve construction problems
A large worksite and a cluttered office full of ambitious students. They are already building the houses of the future today. The goal: shaking the construction industry to its foundations.