Featured projects
All projectsSoft Circuits Toolkit
Many designers find it difficult to prototype air-driven soft robotic devices as this requires access to specialty fabrication equipment and materials, as well as a knowledge of pneumatics, How can we help designers move forward with soft robotics?
Age-Fi : Age Fiction(s) Investigations
Global healthcare systems are facing challenges in providing quality healthcare to an ageing population with complex care need, as populations are ageing globally at a fast pace. New or emerging technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence or social
Negotiating with the Garden
The project introduces a concrete example using tangible technologies in which humans and nonhumans interact to share time, space, and material.
The PROBE project "Soiled" looks at ontological, temporal, and material relations we form with soil.
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the design community
Design United, the 4TU research centre for design, enhances the innovative strength of the Dutch creative industry by bridging the gap between design research and the design community.
All columnsClimate Futures Now!
Design is inherently a future-oriented practice. But how can we envision desirable futures on a troubled planet? Does society have a "crisis of imagination"? And if so, can designers help us both speculate about practices of tomorrow, and inspire us to take action? Climate Futures Now! brings together projects from the 4TU community, via the Design United Expo and an afternoon Dialogues session at DDW23.
Transitions Otherwise: Design for AI in Practice and Education and apocalypse postponed
Getting Our Political Economy Back
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