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Role of Machine Learning in Molecular Discovery

Thursday 21 March 2024
Joint Workshop, Delft

Role of Machine Learning in Molecular Discovery & Scientific Understanding

Keynote speaker: Max Welling | 4TU.HTM organizes a joint workshop integrating applications in material discovery into machine learning frameworks. Key challenges are the prediction of crystal structures, the discovery of stable functional molecules, and the rational material design process.

Join us exploring this future of scientific discovery!


Joint workshop on the Role of Machine Learning in Molecular Discovery & Scientific Understanding
Theatre Hall X, TU Delft - 21 March 2024

The exponential growth of computational power combined with the emergence of innovative machine learning (ML) algorithms offers a revolutionary paradigm in the realm of molecular discovery and scientific understanding. This workshop aims to create a dialogue between pure ML researchers, and scientists using cutting-edge models for data-centric scientific molecular and material discovery. 

Register now!

Joint workshop Role of Machine Learning in Molecular Discovery & Scientific Understanding

Key note speaker
Prof. dr. Max Welling
Research Chair Machine Learning, University of Amsterdam

Date: 21 March 2024
Venue: Theatre Hall X, TU Delft (directions)

More information, full programme and registration form.

Join us

Whether your interest lies in developing machine learning algorithms or using them to unlock the mysteries of the molecular world, we believe this workshop will offer invaluable insights. Join us in this exploration of the future of scientific discovery, facilitated by the powerful combination of machine learning and quantum mechanics.


It promises to be a dynamic intersection of pure machine learning and statistical models applied to scientific discovery. The event will focus on exploring theoretical machine learning research and their real-world applications in molecular and material discovery.

The emphasis will be on integrating small scale experimental data and quantum mechanical calculations into machine learning frameworks, forming collaborative networks, and addressing key challenges.

Confirmed speakers

Prof. dr. Max Welling, University of Amsterdam (Key note speaker)
Title: Relating Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics to Machine Learning: what can we learn?

More information: Role of Machine Learning in Molecular Discovery & Scientific Understanding

Header image: Kumar et. al., 2020