20 Jan 2021 - Source: TU Delft
Prof. Dr. Tatiana Filatova moves to TU Delft
Prof. Dr. Tatiana Filatova, long time researcher at the University of Twente, will move to TU Delft from April 1st, 2021. Here, she will be active in the Multi Actor Systems Department at the TPM Faculty. For the 4TU community no change is foreseen, as she will continue leading the 4TU DeSIRE Programme, and will continue serving in the Scientific Steering Group of the 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering.
15 Jan 2021 - Source: TU Delft
179th Dies Natalis of TU Delft
This year, TU Delft's Dies Natalis was all about resilience. How do we take on the challenges of tomorrow? With a variety of keynote speakers, the week-long event has given interesting insights into which challenges lie ahead and how to confront them.
25 Dec 2020
Green light for CASTOR project
We are very pleased to announce that the CASTOR project received a NWA-ORC grant of 1.9 million euro. This means green light for this project as well. CASTOR is all about the sandy-soil landscapes of the east and south Netherlands. These have a wide range of agricultural, recreational and natural functions and are at risk with climate change. Using a living lab approach, the CASTOR project identifies climate-robust landscapes for the future, and together with government and societal partners they design pathways towards these.
16 Dec 2020
Living dikes will come alive
We are very pleased to announce that Bas Borsje, Associate Professor Nature-based Flood Protection, received a NWA-ORC grant of 1.9 million euro to start working on the Living Dikes project. Living dikes are a promising way to climate‐proof our coast. These dikes consist of a soft foreland and a green dike, thereby slowing down the waves and reducing the wave load on the dikes. This research facilitates the construction of living dikes by weighing interests, testing living dikes under extreme conditions and formulating design rules to be applied by end‐users.
14 Dec 2020
Urban Resilience Trend reports by Environmental Engineering students
For the course ‘Integrated Project’, master students in Environmental Engineering at the faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences of TU Delft were given the opportunity to make trend reports about a specific shock/stress of a chosen metropolis. These trend reports will be aligned with the Open Educational Resources (OER) about (Urban) Resilience Engineering.
11 Dec 2020
Newsletter JIRC20 December edition
The December edition of the JIRC20 newsletter has been published. Check the link below to read all about the proceedings, Thematic Issue in SESMO and more!
30 Nov 2020
Join the 1st Polder2C’s Winterschool!
1st Polder2C’s Winterschool: Fieldwork for flood resilience will take place March 1-5, 2021.
27 Nov 2020
Thank you for joining JIRC20!
Our Joint International Resilience Conference has come to an end!
23 Nov 2020
Joint International Resilience Conference 2020 started
Our Joint International Resilience Conference 2020 has started! With more than 700 participants, we are confident to have a great online event this week.
17 Nov 2020
Marjolein Dohmen-Janssen new Secretary General of 4TU
Marjolein Dohmen-Janssen to be Secretary General of the 4TU.Federation
8 Nov 2020
NWO-VIDI of 800,000 euros for Tatiana Filatova
Tatiana Filatova, Member of our 4TU RE Scientific Steering Group and DeSIRE Programme Leader has been awarded a Vidi grant of 800,000 euros by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). This grant will enable her to strengthen her own, innovative line of research and set up a competitive research team over the next five years. Our congratulations to Tatiana!
27 Oct 2020
Keynote Tatiana Filatova on MICES 2020
Tatiana Filatova, programme leader of DeSIRE and member of the 4TU RE Scientific Steering Group, has presented a keynote on the Medan International Conference on Energy and Sustainability 2020 (MICES 2020)! Check out the full presentation below.
21 Oct 2020
Maria Pregnolato awarded with EGU NH Outstanding Early Career Award
Maria Pregnolato, one of the 4TU RE Resilience Fellows, has been awarded with the NH Outstanding Early Career Award! The prize, given out by the European Geosciences Union (EGU), honors those individuals that have made considerable contributions to Earth, planetary and space sciences.
14 Oct 2020
Smart dashboard should predict regional outbreaks COVID-19
The first dashboard in the Netherlands that will predict, with great certainty, where local outbreaks of COVID-19 infections may occur. A multidisciplinary research team led by Nelly Litvak, Professor of Algorithms for Complex Networks at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), will work on this dashboard, thanks to a half million-euro grant from ZonMW. The team has worked since the corona outbreak in March to provide such predictions using aggregated mobility information from cell phone usage. The grant will be used to significantly improve those predictions, through the smart combination with data from the COVID Radar App. This will enable safety regions, responsible for local and regional corona measures, to intervene faster and more effectively in the event of imminent corona outbreaks and can even prevent the emergence of new hotbeds.
30 Sep 2020
Newsletter September 2020
A new newsletter has been sent out, check it out here!