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Green light for CASTOR project (CAtchment Strategies TOwards Resilience)

Friday, 25 December 2020

We are very pleased to announce that the CASTOR project received a NWA-ORC grant of 1.9 million euro. This means green light for this project as well. CASTOR is all about the sandy-soil landscapes of the east and south Netherlands. These have a wide range of agricultural, recreational and natural functions and are at risk with climate change. Using a living lab approach, the CASTOR project identifies climate-robust landscapes for the future, and together with government and societal partners they design pathways towards these.

The CASTOR project focuses on how future stable landscape configurations can contribute to resilient societies and on the pathways towards these futures. With this, the CASTOR project addresses some of the grand challenges societies will face regarding future landscaping, ecology and the food-water-energy-land nexus. These challenges require interdisciplinary expertise of different scientists and engineers, and cooperation with practitioners.

Amount allocated:

1.9 million euros

Overall coordinator on behalf of the consortium:

Prof. dr. Jakob Wallinga – Wageningen University & Research


Wageningen University & Research, Universiteit Twente, Technische Universiteit Delft, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Waterschap Vechtstromen, Waterschap Aa en Maas, Waterschap Limburg, Deltares, Wageningen Environmental Research, KWR Water Research Institute, Ministery of Infrastructure and Water Management, Vitens, 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering, Provincie Noord-Brabant, Lumbricus, Provincie Overijssel, United Nations University (UNU).

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