Part of the
Resilience Engineering
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Resilience Engineering


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61



23 May 2022
A new foundation for the European farming systems
4TU.Resilience Engineering has published a new DeSIRE Research Story! This time, Miranda Meuwissen shares her experiences with the research project SURE-Farm: Sustainable and Resilient EU Farming Systems. This project studied the resilience of the European farming systems and provides interesting findings on how to develop healthy and sustainable farming systems. 
18 May 2022
Fifth Thematic Seminar
May 18, 2022 the fifth Thematic Seminar was held. Here, Hiba Baroud and Omar Kammouh gave a talk about Evaluating the vulnerability of infrastructure systems and their role in food distribution during disasters and A scalable approach for intervention planning of complex interconnected systems.
21 Apr 2022
Fourth Thematic Seminar
April 21, 2022 the fourth Thematic Seminar was held. Here, Johanna Hedlund and Els Weinans gave a talk about Policy issue interdependency and collaboration in environmental governance and An exploration of drivers of opinion dynamics respectively.
4 Apr 2022
Third Thematic Seminar
April 4, 2022 the third Thematic Seminar was held. Here, Hubert Fonteijn gave a talk about Assessing the resilience of food systems: from a conceptual framework to agent-based modelling. 
25 Mar 2022
Newsletter March 2022
March's edition of our newsletter has just been published, check it out here!
24 Mar 2022
Access educational sources on the Urban Resilience Platform: it’s all about resilience
Working across disciplines is something within the DNA of 4TU.Resilience Engineering. With regard to education, 4TU.RE sets the example with the launch of the interdisciplinary educational platform, the Urban Resilience Community Platform, on edusource. Let’s find out what it is and how to use it.
22 Mar 2022
Thematic Working Groups & Accomplishments - DeSIRE Workshop 14 March 2022
The Thematic Working Group meeting of the DeSIRE programme took place on March 14th at “de Observant” in Amersfoort. It set the scene for fruitful discussions on:
17 Mar 2022
Second Thematic Seminar
March 17, 2022 the second Thematic Seminar was held. Here, Juliette Cortes Arevalo gave a talk about Resilience examples from water and sanitation for refugees in humanitarian contexts. 
22 Feb 2022
First Thematic Seminar
Last week February 22, 2022 the first Thematic Seminar was held, organized by one of our 4TU RE DeSIRE Thematic Working Groups, the Urban group. Here, Aynaz Lotfata and Maryam Naghibi gave a talk about Climate-adaptive streetscapes in Unplanned Urban Areas in Desert Climates and Transforming Leftover Spaces into Resilient Urban Landscapes respectively. 
4 Feb 2022
New: 3 Weekly Thematic Seminars
From February 22, 2022 we will start Thematic Seminars every three weeks. The seminars will be organized by our 4TU RE DeSIRE Thematic Working Groups. Slots & times will be rotating, so everyone (also fellows from other time zones) have at least the possibility to join a few of the seminars. We aim at 12 sessions this year, two dedicated seminars per DeSIRE theme.
30 Jan 2022
New call for Resilience Fellows
The application for new Resilience Fellows is open again! Would you like to become the next Resilience Fellow? Or do you work at one of the four technical Universities and would you like to host an Resilience Fellow?
27 Dec 2021
Newsletter December 2021
Check out our new newsletter here!
24 Dec 2021
4TU.RE Wishes you all Happy Holidays
26 Nov 2021
Is our food supply at risk?
The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the vulnerability of agrifood systems to shocks and stresses. It led to increased global food insecurity and malnutrition. How can we make our agrifood systems resilient?
20 Oct 2021
Newsletter October 2021
Click here to see our latest newsletter.