15 Jul 2021
Preventing knee osteoarthritis with high-tech glue
Hy2Care, a spin-off of the University of Twente in the Netherlands, is developing a special gel to repair cartilage in knees. This should improve the quality of life for a lot of young patients.
12 Jul 2021
Pre-announcement HTSF Call 2021
The 4TU.Federation, made up of the four Universities of Technology of the Netherlands, is committed to strengthening and pooling technological knowledge in the Netherlands. The first edition of the HTSF programme was shaped around these ambitions and will end in December 2022. The 4TU.Federation now aims to award a new set of theme based research programmes through the next call.
6 Jul 2021
Out now: 4TU Career Special Edition #3
Check out now: the new edition of the 4TU Career Special. Full of tips on applying, do’s and don’ts, stories about job hunting in corona time, articles about young entrepreneurs and columns that make you think.
1 Jul 2021
4TU Interview | The soft touch of future robots
The team of the HTSF Soft Robotics programme are working on soft robots that are safer and better equipped to function in a human environment. This is a new specialisation that involves many fields of expertise.
15 Jun 2021
4TU.techtalk #5 | Working together on resilient cities
The City of The Hague is collaborating with the 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering to better prepare for the future. But what exactly is resilience, and what are the main challenges to address? How do you address these most efficiently?
19 Apr 2021
Optical chips for better use of existing fibre network
EFFECT Photonics - a spin-off from TU Eindhoven - makes optical chips for telecommunications. These chips allow more data to be sent simultaneously over a fiber optic network. This prevents cities to lay more and more glass cable. A good development now that the 5G network is taking shape and extra bandwidth is required.
8 Apr 2021
Boost circular economy with fatty acids WUR spin-off
The spin-off of the spin-off | ChainCraft B.V., a spin-off of Wageningen University & Research, makes sustainable and fully circular fatty acids. The raw material is used in various products, from healthier animal feed to sustainable plastics. This is a big step towards a circular economy.
25 Mar 2021
4TU.techtalk#4 | Ethics of technology
Which ethical dilemmas are at play in today's data-driven world? And how can companies deal with this in a responsible way? In 4TU.techtalk #4 Karin Bos of Achmea and Philip Brey of the University of Twente discuss this topic.
22 Mar 2021
Making sustainable and healthy burgers with seaweed
The spin-off of the spin-off | The burgers and sausages produced by start-up UmaMeats - a spin-off from WUR - consist of a unique combination of beef and seaweed. Less fat and salt are needed thanks to the flavors of the seaweed. This makes the burgers and sausages healthier and more sustainable.
11 Mar 2021
TU/e spin-off captures heart rhythm unborn child more accurately
The spin-off of the spin-off | Capturing an accurate cardiogram of an unborn child. For a long time that was impossible, but it can now be done with new technology from Nemo Healthcare.
2 Mar 2021
Interview David Smeulders, Director 4TU.Energy
David Smeulders (TU/e) has been the Director of Research at 4TU.Energy since July 2020. He took over the role from Paulien Herder (TU Delft), who initiated the Centre in 2019. 4TU talked with Smeulders about the progress being made on the energy transition, technological advancements and 4TU.Energy’s contribution to these developments.
1 Mar 2021
Marjolein Dohmen-Janssen new Secretary of 4TU
With effect from 1 March 2021, Marjolein Dohmen-Janssen is the new Secretary of 4TU, the federation in which the four universities of technology in the Netherlands have joined forces. She succeeds IJsbrand Haagsma (University of Twente) who held the position for eight years.
25 Feb 2021
Delta Diagnostics (TNO) accelerates development of tests
Bringing high-performance diagnostic tests such as the coronavirus test to market faster in the future? Delta Diagnostics - a spin-off company from TNO- is developing a technology platform to make this possible.
16 Feb 2021
Plants as organic river cleaners | Plantenna Blog #3
As hydrologists we are interested in the interaction between plans and the water cycle. We traditionally look at plant transpiration, the interception of precipitation by leaves, or detection vegetation water stress. However, new global environmental challenges also come with new roles for plants.
11 Feb 2021
Sorama's acoustic cameras make sound visible
De spin-off of the spin-off | What started out as a PhD research project has grown into a profitable business. Sorama - a spin-off from the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) - develops acoustic cameras that can detect the source of noise disturbances.