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23 Dec 2021
Large noise barriers are a thing of the past with UT spin-off's new technology
4Silence gives noise a twist and you barely hear it anymore. With 4Silence's new and promising technology, large noise barriers are a thing of the past. Their so-called diffractor deflects sound from roads and railroads upwards.
8 Dec 2021
Numerous matchmaking opportunities at HTSF 2021 event
On Friday 3rd of December, about 85 scientists of the 4TU community joined the digital matchmaking event for the 2021-call of the 4TU capacity building programme call “High-Tech for Sustainable Future”. The initial call for expressions of interest delivered 54 results. The programme will fund about 3-5 programmes.
6 Dec 2021
Arjan Mol (TUD) new scientific director 4TU.HTM
As of 1 January 2022, Prof. Arjan Mol (Delft University of Technology) will be the new scientific director of the 4TU.Centre High-Tech Materials (4TU.HTM). He succeeds Prof. Jilt Sietsma, who was one of the initiators of 4TU.HTM and has led the centre since its inception in 2014.
1 Dec 2021
Hable wins 4TU Impact Challenge with braille keyboard for smartphones
TU/e startup Hable wins the third edition of the 4TU Impact Challenge, a competition for the best idea from students from the four Dutch universities of technology.
25 Nov 2021
New programme Designs for Agrifood & Ecological Systems to start in January
What will robots on the farm of the future look like? And how can smart eco ducts facilitate the movement of wild animals? Answers to these questions will hopefully be provided by students of the Designs for Agrifood & Ecological Systems of Wageningen University & Research (WUR). A post-masters course specifically focussed on designing for a sustainable future.
23 Nov 2021
TU Delft sensors watch over steel bridges
A sensor on steel bridges designed to detect fatigue cracks and monitor the progression of this damage. That's the headline-making feat of the TU Delft start-up Villari in the Netherlands.
22 Nov 2021
Developing steel more quickly using DENS 3D models
The latest 3D model for developing new types of steel has been presented at the Digitally Enhanced New Steel Product Development (DENS) research programme half-yearly event. Researchers from TU Delft, Eindhoven University of Technology, the University of Twente, and the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung in Düsseldorf have spent the past three years working on the model. Each of the phases involved in the production of steel now can be simulated in the model. The ultimate aim is to develop the ideal steel – strong and easy to deform.
16 Nov 2021
TNO spin-off supplies the tools to conduct research into quantum technology
We are eagerly awaiting the quantum computer. It promises to be a computer with unprecedented computational power and that will open new doors. Start-up Orange Quantum Systems is speeding up the development process with a unique collaboration in the brand-new quantum value chain.
11 Nov 2021
4TU HTSF 2021-call: three themes selected
The deans of the 4 TU’s have selected the themes of the High Tech for a Sustainable Future (HTSF) 2021-call: ‘Materials and high-tech sensing technologies for the ageing built environment’ (1); ‘Low-cost sensing technologies for health’ (2) and ‘Sociotechnical approaches towards data-driven sustainable food systems’ (3). The purpose of the HTSF call is to challenge researchers to develop high tech solutions for the societal challenges we are facing.
8 Nov 2021
A naturally biodegradable alternative to microplastics
A naturally biodegradable alternative to microplastics in e.g. body scrubs and detergents. That is what Iamfluidics, a spin-off from the University of Twente, is in the process of developing.
26 Oct 2021
CryoCOP wins 4TU Carbon Removal Student Challenge
Student team CryoCOP has won the 4TU Carbon Removal Student Award with their innovative idea that helps to rebalance the earth’s carbon cycle. CryoCOP aims to develop a technology that can perform in a carbon-negative way. Their idea is to 'capture pure CO2 using a cryogenic process at a disruptively low price'. CryoCOP has beaten the other finalists MIONA and NYMPHAE in the Dutch student competition organized by the 4TU.Federation.
25 Oct 2021
TU Delft spin-off develops materials of the future with NanoPrinter
VSParticle, a TU Delft spin-off, develops a printer that spits out almost any kind of conceivable new material in a few minutes. It is a revolutionary advancement in research that should boost innovations.
11 Oct 2021
Every amateur match looking like a Champions League final
From now on, any livestream sports event can look like a directed TV broadcast. Studio Automated, a TNO-spin-off, transforms an integral image into an exciting montage using AI and computer vision.
4 Oct 2021
New 4TU.Health centre puts medical & health technology on the map
From now on, the four universities of technology in the Netherlands are combining their knowledge and expertise in the field of medical & health technology in a new 4TU centre: 4TU.Health. The ambition for this centre is to be a strategic discussion partner in the field of health and care with regard to designing solutions for tomorrow’s health & care challenges. Technology is one of the keys in solutions for ensuring our healthcare remains sufficiently staffed and affordable.
30 Aug 2021
4TU HTSF 2021 - Call for Expressions of Interest now open!
Do you want to collaborate with your 4TU colleagues and make societal impact? Then submit an Expression of Interest (EoI) for the HTSF call 2021!