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TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University


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5 Oct 2020
Sensors for a healthy lifestyle
In the Food Intake project, part of the 4TU Pride & Prejudice programme, 4TU researchers want to use technologies such as sensors, smartphones and an interactive dining table to measure what, how much and how people eat.
1 Oct 2020
Strategy 2020-205
An increase in the number of STEM students, a shortage of engineers on the labor market and we are facing a multitude of societal challenges. Read the 4TU strategy 2020-2025 in order to learn how the four universities of technology are responding to these and other new issues and joining forces.
30 Sep 2020
Interview Cynthia Liem, Chair ICTng (4TU.NIRICT)
To gain an impression of what ICT academics consider important in their careers and open up the debate about this, ICTng (4TU.NIRICT) has developed a questionnaire that has been sent out to all universities.
28 Sep 2020
Plantenna Blog # 1, Sander Bronckers (TU/e)
When they were just getting to the point of doing cool experiments in the lab for their BSc thesis, the work of three students working on Plantenna was abruptly disrupted by the covid-19 crisis.
24 Sep 2020
Interview 4TU.ResearchData director Marta Teperek
Marta Teperek (TU Delft) has been the new director of 4TU.ResearchData since July 2020. She succeeds Alastair Dunning. The 4TU.Federation had a discussion with Teperek about her ambitions with this joint 4TU initiative.
18 Sep 2020
Survey student learning outcomes during corona
As in other universities, the corona crisis at TU Eindhoven led to an abrupt and very fundamental change in the form of teaching and student learning. All interaction has shifted to online.
10 Sep 2020
Tina Comes new scientific director RE
Dr. Tina Comes - Associate Professor on Resilience Decisions at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management at the TU Delft - is the new Scientific Director of the 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering (4TU RE). She takes over from Professor David Smeulders (Eindhoven University of Technology).
27 Aug 2020
Haagsma to leave 4TU in November
IJsbrand Haagsma will leave the 4TU.Federation to continue his career on 1 November 2020 as Special Envoy for Public Affairs at the University of Twente. Haagsma took office as secretary of the 3TU.Federation on 1 July 2012. During his secretarial position, the partnership of the technical universities was expanded to include Wageningen University.
12 Aug 2020
Listening to plants - Plantenna
One of the innovative projects within the Plantenna program is the project in which researchers listen to the signals from plants with a special microphone.
23 Jun 2020
Interview Maarten Hornikx, new director 4TU.Bouw
Maarten Hornikx (TU/e) has been the Scientific Director at the 4TU.Bouw Center of Excellence for the Built Environment since February 2020. He has taken over the role from André Dorée (UT) who will continue his involvement in the centre as one of the four TU ambassadors.
22 Jun 2020
Interview new director 4TU.AMI Johann Hurink
Interview with Johann Hurink, new Scientific Director at the 4TU Applied Mathematics Institute
15 Jun 2020
DEAN: the 4TU alumni network goes virtual
The alumni offices of the Dutch technical universities  (TU Delft, UTwente and Wageningen University) have been working closely together since 2014. Together we have more than 280,000 alumni out of whom 60,000 live outside of the Netherlands.
15 Jun 2020
New ICT fund for diversity, equity and inclusion
From June 2020, the 4TU.NIRICT research centre is launching a new ‘’Diversity-Equity-Inclusion’’ (DEI) fund to support projects that boost diversity, equity and inclusion within the 4TU ICT community. Eligible projects could include provisions to make ICT conferences more inclusive, by offering translators, for example. Other ideas might involve developing training programmes to enable ICT lecturers to cater more effectively to a diverse range of students or initiatives to raise the visibility of underrepresented groups.
12 Jun 2020
Second edition of the 4TU Career Special
Applying for a job in times of corona is a daunting task for any recent, or soon-to-be graduate. This second edition of the 4TU Career Special is full of tips on how it is best approached. It is an unusual edition, as the magazine was both produced and published during this period of crisis. However, above all, as the editorial boards of the four technical universities, we understand that especially now, as a job seeker, you could use a bit of help.
10 Jun 2020
New working group on ethical challenges COVID-19 Crisis
Delft Design for Values and the 4TU Centre for Ethics and Technology (4TU.Ethics) are organising a 4TU-wide response to the ethical challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic in a new working group which deals with the impact of the crisis on the design of new emerging technologies.