Part of the
Resilience Engineering
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Resilience Engineering


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61



19 Mar 2019
DeSIRE Conference 6&7 June 2019
On behalf of the 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering and the Strategic Research Programme DeSIRE (Designing Systems for Informed Resilience Engineering), we would like to invite you to the first 4TU DeSIRE-conference on Resilience Engineering. The aim of this national conference is to provide a forum for scientists and practitioners to connect, share experiences and raise challenges on all aspects related to Resilience Engineering of social-technological-ecological systems. Together, we want to build a resilience engineering community and start or further strengthen collaborations.
19 Mar 2019
People in the picture: Tatiana Filatova
People in the picture: Tatiana Filatova We have to connect and create synergy to make societal impact
14 Mar 2019
International colloqium
11 Mar 2019
3 Postdoc positions
The postdoc work will be executed at the WEM group, part of the Civil Engineering Department, University of Twente in Enschede, the Netherlands. Within the UT, under the Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), you will be part of the Water Engineering and Management (WEM) group, a team of approximately 60 academics and PhD’s in the topics of marine, coastal and river systems, sedimentary processes, water footprint and policy studies. For more information on the WEM group: The postdoc will be supervised by the mentor listed under project description.
11 Mar 2019
Call for application: International workshop
Natural disasters consist of human and natural components that are interconnected. While progress has been made to mitigate and adapt to natural hazards, much of the existing research lacks interdisciplinary approaches that equally consider both natural and social processes. More importantly, this lack of integration between approaches remains a major challenge in developing disaster risk management plans for communities. The proposed early career researcher workshop on Modelling risk and resilience in human and natural systems aims to:
11 Mar 2019
Extreme Events
Travel grants available! The relations between climate extremes and sustainable development goals will be discussed at the Herrenhausen Conference on October 9-11, 2019, in Hannover, Germany.
27 Feb 2019
EURO HOpe 2019: The 4th EURO HOpe mini conference
EURO HOpe 2019: The 4th EURO HOpe mini-conference
15 Feb 2019
Workshop social resilience of diverse societies
Would you like to connect with various members of our diverse societies to enhance your peer groups' resilience in times of crises?
29 Jan 2019
New 4TU RE explanation video
Have you already seen our new 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering explanation video?! It tells briefly and to-the-point what 4TU RE does and what we stand for. Please have a look!
28 Jan 2019
Special session on Resilience, Innovation and Entrepreneurship at HTSF 2019!
As a good start of this new year, I would like to share with you the call for papers of the High Technology Small Firms (HTSF) Conference that will be hosted by my department NIKOS at the University of Twente on (26) 27-28 May 2019 here.
25 Jan 2019
‘We have to improve our resistance to climate change’ Climate vulnerability and resilience in Indonesia.
During an interview after his lecture, Dr. Sugardiman shared his views regarding climate vulnerability and resilience in the context of a developing country: “In Indonesia, the most vulnerable sectors to climate change are the food and health sectors. Massive disruptions in these two important areas will threaten national security. Therefore, it is extremely important to improve our resilience to climate change. Furthermore, considering the physical and social complexity of the Indonesian archipelago, resilience engineering should consider site-specific characteristics, and therefore we should invest time in participatory planning and preparation, before executing a program.”
11 Jan 2019
Resilience, Reliability & Asset Management Congress
The emergence of cyber-physical systems (CPS) in the last decade has greatly increased the connectivity and interdependency between infrastructural and industrial systems. This development has led to greater complexity in the planning, design, and operations of system of systems.
8 Jan 2019
4TU RE goes social!
4TU RE goes social! Recently we started this private LinkedIn group ‘Members of 4TU RE’. Now we also have a public LinkedIn and Twitter account. Via these social media accounts we will share 4TU RE news, events and vacancies with everyone who is interested. So please follow us!
21 Dec 2018
177th Dies Natalis Delft University of Technology
On the occasion of the Dies Natalis celebration, TU Delft organises a symposium on Climate Action.
21 Dec 2018
“Climate resilience key challenge for global energy sector”
Climate resilience will turn out to be one of the key challenges for the global energy sector, says Kamia Handayani. Kamia, who is a PhD researcher in climate change mitigation and adaptation in the power sector, presented her views last week at the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP24 in Katowice, Poland.