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4 Jun 2020
Sector Plan for Science and Technology Education
Joint plan to close the gap between intake capacity and labour market demand
4 Jun 2020
Universities of technology join forces in Techrede address
‘Technological innovations will play a major role in a resilient post-corona era’
18 May 2020
Smart coating causes goose bumps
4TU researchers are working hard on a coating that can change shape. This technology makes all kinds of things possible, from Mars rovers and solar panels that can autonomously shake off sand, to Braille on your mobile phone, surgical instruments that provide feedback to the doctor, or VR gloves that help you to throw a ball really well.
15 May 2020
SAI trainees present solutions for industry and healthcare
4TU.Stan Ackermans Institute’s PDEng trainees present solutions for industry and healthcare
15 May 2020
Transition to online during Covid-19
The global COVID-19 pandemic has forced an abrupt transition to online education. Researcher Tim Stevens is studying the transition to online education at Wageningen University. What can we learn from the transition to online education?
14 May 2020
4TU.HTM launches book about designer materials
Portret Danqing Liu: Ernst de Groot
21 Apr 2020
Annual report 2019
As of today, the 4TU.Federation’s Annual Report 2019 is available online. Browsing through it, you will get a picture of the broad palette of activities the universities of technology are undertaking together in terms of research, education and valorisation.
16 Apr 2020
Co-creation platform on COVID-19 challenges
The Dutch universities, national and regional government bodies, businesses and many other public and private partners join forces in the ResilientSociety platform. In this open innovation platform, supply and demand on COVID-19 challenges are brought together and teams develop concrete products and services. It is a thriving community of professionals who create concrete solutions for the COVID-19 crisis. This platform aims to do this effectively without duplicating efforts and with the aim of making the greatest possible impact.
31 Mar 2020
Podcast about Plantenna on BNR
Professor Bas van de Wiel, researcher in the 4TU Plantenna project talked to BNR about the FruitFrost project in which sensors are used to measure the temperature of plants and small windmills keep the ground frost-free. This is a lifesaver for farmers and horticulturists who presently have to leave their beds at night – often with their whole family – to save the plants. Hopefully, sensors will soon be able to indicate automatically whether help is needed and, ideally, take the necessary action themselves.
25 Mar 2020
4TU researchers awarded with European project Corona
Scientific Vice Director Tina Comes of 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering (4TU RE) and Resilience Fellow Harith Alani will start working on the HERoS project (Health Emergency Response in interconnected Systems), dedicated to understanding the system-wide implications of the Corona outbreak.
11 Nov 2019
ECsens wins 4TU challenge
Prior to challenge, the finalists visit Prime Minister Mark Rutte
22 Oct 2019
Chair 4TU to Fresco
Victor van der Chijs, President of the Executive Board of the University of Twente, has transferred the position of chair of the 4TU.Federation to Professor Louise O. Fresco. Van der Chijs was chair of 4TU, which was still 3TU when he took office, for the past four years. Fresco is the President of the Executive Board of Wageningen University & Research (WUR), which joined 4TU in 2016.
16 Jul 2019
4TU.Resilience Fellowship program
The 4TU.DeSIRE program and the 4TU.Resilience center aim to establish and foster an international network of top-level academic scholars, engineers, practitioners and decision-makers who serve as ambassadors of the RE paradigm. This network of Resilience Fellows:
25 Jun 2019
Students for impact
4TU Impact Final on 7 November 2019 in The Hague
23 Oct 2018
The future of Science
The scientific world is changing; from how we publish to how we find a job, from international colleagues to close competitors. PhDs are also part of this change. This year, P-NUT, the PhD-Network of the University of Twente,  is guiding you through it at the PhD day 2018 on November 15th with the theme “The Future of Science”.