Part of the
Resilience Engineering
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Resilience Engineering


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Maryam Naghibi

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at TU Delft in the Delta Urbanism research program, specifically working on the Redesigning Delta Cities project. Previously, I served as a lecturer at Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST).

I hold my Ph.D. from the School of Architecture and Environmental Design at IUST, where I was recognized as a Distinguished Student in 2014 and later became a dedicated researcher in 2021. My educational background encompasses architecture, landscape architecture, and fine arts.

My Ph.D. research centers on the exploration of leftover spaces within urban environments, with a special emphasis on the case study of Tehran. My overall approach considers the complex interplay of different dimensions of the socio-ecological system. In my research, I employed machine learning algorithms on EEG data to assess the impact of design strategies on leftover spaces.

My research activity is strongly interdisciplinary, centered around landscape design and urban projects, abandoned spaces, public spaces related to resilience, urban acupuncture, user experience, multi-scalar and ideas-based design, socio-technical-environmental (STE) approach, and temporary interventions.

Through my current research, I aspire to contribute to the advancement of sustainable and equitable urban regions, with a specific focus on the challenges encountered by delta cities and sponge cities. I am particularly interested in designing strategies and landscape elements that facilitate the conversion of urban landscapes into resilient delta sites, based on user preferences and perceptions.

The Young Resilience Fellowship presents an invaluable opportunity for me to engage in interdisciplinary research, participate in resilience-related events, and strengthen my collaboration with Dr. Claudiu Forgaci. This fellowship allows me to build upon my existing work with Prof. Mohsen Faizi and extend it with Dr. Claudiu Forgaci through our collaborative efforts in comparative research. The purpose of this collaboration is to demonstrate how intervention in urban leftover spaces (e.g., marginal spaces, lots, Spaces Underneath, in-between spaces, parking lots, bare lands, etc.) could result in their transformation into sound STE landscapes contributing to urban resilience. To develop resilience-oriented design principles and build a bridge between science and practice, it is necessary to test the principles in different contexts.

I was a Young Fellow in the 4TU.DeSIRE programme.