Part of the
Ethics and Technology
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Ethics and Technology


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Reading groups at the 4TU.Ethics

At this page you can find what reading groups at the 4TU.Ethics are open for more participants. You can find the contact information at the bottom of the description of the reading group.


  1. (Informal) philosophy and technology book clubOur reading group is initiated by 4TU Ethics PhD's. We usually alternate between more heavy philosophy and popular books. For example, we have been reading Shoshanna Zuboff, Ruha Benjamin, Byung-Chul Han, Jeanette Pols and Hanna Arendt. We meet once every 2 weeks at Wednesday afternoon (but this can change based on availability)The goal of our reading group is for everyone to feel at ease and to become familiar with discussing their ideas in a group. Therefore the reading group invites especially (beginning) PhD's, but more experienced members are also welcome if they contribute our spirit.Location: online
    Contact: Anne Marte Gardenier,
  2. Philosophy of Emotions Group This reading group was started in Jan 2024 as a forum for philosophers of technology to read work in philosophy of emotion and discuss this in relation to their own research. Currently (March 2024), we are working our way through Martha Nussbaum's book, Upheavals of Thought. Please get in touch if you would like to join or be kept up to date with the goings-on of TU Delft researchers working at the intersection of philosophy of emotion and philosophy of technology.Location: TU Delft
    Contact: James Hutton, j.hutton@tudelft
  3. Continental Philosophies of TechnologyIn this group, we read works from the continental tradition that are relevant for philosophy of technology. We share an interest in continental philosophy and also acknowledge that is can be a bit intimidating - which is why we read together. We meet every month!Location: Utrecht University and online
    Contact: Bouke van Balen,
  4. Leesgroep fundamentele filosofie Wageningen (Dutch reading group)Het doel van deze leesgroep is om ‘klassieke’ filosofische teksten te lezen die elke filosoof gelezen zou moeten hebben (Plato, Aristoteles, Leibniz, Nietzsche). Op dit moment lezen we Der Satz vom Grund van Heidegger.

    Location: Wageningen University
    Contact: Roel Veraart,