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Centre for
Engineering Education
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Centre for
Engineering Education


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Onboarding day reflections

Tuesday, 10 October 2017
On 5 October lecturers and educational support staff gathered in Utrecht to find out what Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality have to offer to Education.

On 5 October lecturers and educational support staff gathered in Utrecht to find out what Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality have to offer to Education. Pierre Dillenbourg, Professor of Learning Technologies at EPFL, took us on a trip through the world of virtual and augmented reality and explained when it can be useful for education purposes. Max Louwerse, Professor of Cognitive Psychology and Artificial Intelligence at Tilburg University told about his experiences with the mixed reality lab in Tilburg. The general feeling is that VR and AR should only be used in education when it contributes to the learning experience of students. Aldert Kamp, 4TU.CEE leader at TU Delft has written a blog about the event. 


In the afternoon five different presentations were given by lecturers involved in VR and AR. They shared their experiences with the audience. The presentations can be found here.

- Pierre Dillenbourg keynote presentation
- Roy Damgrave: Virtual experience at University of Twente
- Anjo Anjewierden & Casper de Jong: Go-Lab Ecosystem
- Renate Klaassen: Virtual speech
- Martijn Stellingwerff & Johannetta Gordijn: Matching your educational objectives
- Pieter de Vries: Emerging Technologies