Part of the
Centre for
Engineering Education
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Centre for
Engineering Education


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Project introduction and background information

This project focusses on the improvement of the expediency of laboratory teaching. This type of teaching is expensive and currently most of the time of teachers is spend on explaining basic handlings in the lab environment. By using videos for these simple unit handlings teachers can spend more time explaining results and the implication of these results in research. Students can watch the instructions beforehand or just in time by QR-codes on the machines. Furthermore, these videos are ideal for students that need to catch up.

Objective and expected outcomes

Improving the expediency of laboratory teaching.

Results and learnings

  • To generate a simple and cost effective way of recording videoclips for use in practical
  • To record over 200 clips and share these with the community
  • To share knowledge on the use and production of clips with the community
  • Cost and time effective: videos of approx 5 min can be recorded in half an hour with a preparation time of another half hour
  • Videos are universal in the field an can easily be shared
  • Just in time information using QR-codes
  • Improve sharing of course material


For more information or recommendations, please contact

Practical outcomes

Please have a look at Because of the general nature of the videos, they are idealy suited to share among institutions. The videos produced in Wageningen are therefore available as open online course ware under the creative commons licence. Because of funding by OCW we are also equipped to record videos for other instutions for free in Wageningen of any other location. Please contact for more information.