Part of the
Centre for
Engineering Education
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Centre for
Engineering Education


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61



18 Sep 2024
Remote control of experiments: A joint course development project of student and teacher of Applied Physics
A joint course development project of student and teacher of Applied Physics
18 Sep 2024
There is more to educational feedback… feedback… feedback...
The educator provides feedback, the students put it to good use, and overall understanding soars. Unfortunately, it is not that simple, especially in large classes.
24 May 2024
Climate change is not only changing the weather; it is changing engineering education
Written by: Merel Engelsman
29 Feb 2024
Embodied cognition for lasting collaborative engineering design education
Written by: Merel Engelsman
25 Feb 2024
Introducing new coordinators for 4TU.CEE
Meet three new coordinators for 4TU.CEE - contact persons for TU Delft, UTwente and Wageningen University
25 Jan 2024
Embodied ethics education for engineers
Memorable and lasting ethics education for engineers
24 Jan 2024
New cohort of Teaching & Learning Fellows at University of Twente: Building inclusive communities
Seven new University of Twente CEE-Teaching & Learning Fellows have been appointed for two years.
4 Dec 2023
INTERVIEW | 4TU winners Teaching Award 2023
Last year, elections were organised both nationally and by individual universities for the best educator of the year. 4TU interviewed the winners of the Educator of the Year Award and was curious to know why students are so enthusiastic about them and how they see the future of engineering education.
23 Nov 2023
Challenges and Opportunities of Learning Analytics Adoption in Higher Education Institutes
The successful application of Learning Analytics (LA) can improve student learning outcomes, student support and teaching. The key-challenges for LA adoption, such as Ethics, Leadership, Analytics culture, Analytics capabilities, Stakeholder involvement, and Technology have been investigated. However, large-scale adoption remains lacking as does research into it. 
23 Nov 2023
Helping teachers to make use of learning analytics
University teachers have known for years that traditional lectures often are not a good choice for educating students. They offer a “one size fits all” teaching that does not consider students’ divergent needs, skills, and interests. Within recent years, however, Learning Analytics-based teaching methods have been developed that enable teachers to take into account some student differences. These methods utilize clickstream data that students generate while they use Learning Management Systems, such as Canvas, and facilitate differentiated teaching. Furthermore, Learning Analytics-based teaching reduces the distance between students and teachers in blended learning as the clickstream data can inform the teachers about a lack of student engagement that they may otherwise not detect.
22 Nov 2023
AIMION: A tailor-made tool for supporting reflective learning in your CBL course (Learning tool for students)
Co-authors: Teun Veelenturf, Tilde Bekker, Clemens Verhoosel, Willem-Bart Bartels, Ruurd Taconis
22 Nov 2023
Challenge Up: Elevating CBL implementation with your expertise! (Teaching tool)
In the latest 4TU.CEE webinar titled “Tools to support the implementation of CBL in higher engineering education”, Robin de Graaf, Adina Imanbayeva, and Raymond Loohuis introduced Challenge Up, an online teacher support and design tool for CBL implementation. This tool has been created by a passionate team from the University of Twente: Teaching & Learning Fellows, Centre of Expertise of Learning and Teaching (CELT), and the Mendix team of Library, ICT Services & Archive (LISA).
20 Nov 2023
AI in education Hackathon November 2023: Feedback for high-quality educational video’s and virtual study coaches
Article by Cindy Poortman, University of Twente
20 Nov 2023
First University of Twente-CEE Teaching & Learning Fellowships completed with a CBL symposium
The first Teaching & Learning Fellowships, made possible by 4TU.CEE at the UT, have been concluded with a CBL symposium in October 2023.
27 Sep 2023
Call for papers for DEME Special Issue
Special Issue Mathematics education in the era of ChatGPT: investigating its meaning and use for school and university education