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Stan Ackermans Institute
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Stan Ackermans Institute


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Healthcare Systems Design (track within DEES)

The Design of Electrical Engineering Systems programme trains designers in specifying, designing, building and evaluating complex multidisciplinary systems that can process, store and convey information.

Within the DEES programme we offer two EngD tracks:
• Healthcare System Design (HSD)
• Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

About HSD
The influence of technology in healthcare and well-being is apparent in many domains, starting from hospitals, home-healthcare, elderly assisted living and extending to healthcare related well-being applications, such as disease prevention, activity monitoring, fitness and (top-) sports programs and balanced lifestyle. A key link which appears to be missing is the translation of real ‘customer’ needs to new technology developments. The customers include both citizens (patients, clients and even healthy people) as well as health care professionals. Thus, there is a clear need for people who can translate new technology to customer benefits within the healthcare, wellbeing and sports domains. When healthcare and well-being technology moves into homes the issue of translating available technology into relevant and really useful devices (contributing to well-being) becomes even harder and their integration via ICT into the healthcare eco-system more challenging. Ethics and privacy issues might be more important than technology options.

The design of professional and consumer health and wellbeing systems is an interdisciplinary process that requires in-depth understanding of both technical aspects as well as user requirements. Typically such a process is performed in an interdisciplinary team, where each team member brings in his/her own expertise and a good understanding of the field of the other team members. It is the goal of the EngD DEES - HSD programme to educate these high level designers and thereby create the innovation potential at the interface between technology and the health and wellbeing area.

EngD degree
When you successfully complete the Designer’s programme, you will receive a certified diploma. You are entitled to use the academic degree Engineering Doctorate (EngD).

A certified Healthcare Systems designer has in-depth knowledge of design processes, theoretical as well as practical, which clearly distinguishes him/her from a ‘normal’ MSc. Most of the graduates find excellent positions in the high tech and healthcare industry, often within the company where the final design project was carried out.

On European level the programme cooperates with the Imperial College London (UK), and with the University of Trento (Italy). Joint lectures and workshops have been agreed upon and trainees can travel to the partner locations. Based on this cooperation, the trainees can follow part of the curricular programme, especially part of the electives at the partner institutions. This additional international exposure allows the trainees to build a strong network that will help them in their future careers.

The programme starts with a year of advanced education, followed by a major technological design project of eight to twelve months in a company. The programme consists of 5 modules:

First year

Second year

More information

Learn more about this programme and how to apply by visiting the Healthcare Systems Design website