Part of the
Cyber Security
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Cyber Security


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61



Academic year 2017/2018

The main changes with respect to the previous academic year are:

  1. The programs in Delft and Twente now have almost the same set of core courses. 
  2. Special programs in Delft, such as Cyber Security, now have their own common core.
  3. The program now offers advanced courses on Network, Software, and System Security, and on recent developments, such as the Block chain, and Internet of Things.

Five new courses are on offer:

One course has a new lecturer:

Three courses have a new name, a new teaching method, and / or a new code:

Two existing courses have more formal prerequisites than before:

The Integration week and the Mentoring by alumni courses have been renamed, given new course codes and extended to a set of three capstone courses covering 5EC in total.

The scheduling of some courses is non-standard:

The most relevant web pages that describe the program in force until the end of academic year 2016/2017 are still available here:

Academic year 2016/2017

Two courses have been advertised but they have been withdrawn:

One course was taught in academic year 2015-2016 only:

The course SoS: Software security - Visser & Etalle - TUD:CS4105, UT:201500032 as taught in academic year 2015-2016 has been replaced by two new courses, one for students in Twente and one for students in Delft: