Part of the
Cyber Security
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Cyber Security


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61



4TU.CybSec Schedule until 2016/2017

Most courses are offered to all students via tele-lecturing from room Carré 3F in Twente and room HB01 Chip in Delft.

The second year begins with an “Integration week”. This is an off-site summer school where students work on a realistic problem from the cyber security practice, provided and mentored by one or more of our industrial advisors. The objectives of Integration week are to (i) increase the sense of belonging to the community, (ii) to experience the multidisciplinary aspects of working on a real case, (iii) to bring the students in contact with the industrial advisors of the program.

The courses are scheduled as shown below [Abbreviation: Title - Lecturer(s) - Course codes]. Courses taught from Delft list the TUD course code first; courses taught from Twente list the UT course code first. For detailed scheduling information please consult the time tables in Delft and Twente.

First Quarter (lectures in weeks 37 .. 43, exams in weeks 44 & 45)

Second Quarter (lectures in weeks 46 .. 51, 2 & 3, exams in weeks 4 & 5)

Third Quarter (lectures in weeks 7 .. 13, exams in weeks 14 & 15, vacation in week 6 and not in week 8)

Fourth Quarter (lectures in weeks 17 .. 25, exams in weeks 26 & 27)

‡ No tele-lecturing, travel required

§ Semester course, which starts in the quarter indicated but ends in the following quarter