Part of the
Centre for
Engineering Education
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Centre for
Engineering Education


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61



Thursday 29 September 2016
SEFI contribution 2016: Assessing multi-disciplinary learning requirements and recommendations
113 kB
Thursday 15 September 2016
SEFI keynote Kamp - Better Make it Real
3 MB
Monday 12 September 2016
Vision Engineering Education
3 MB
Tuesday 6 September 2016
Engineering Education in 2030
11 MB
Tuesday 14 June 2016
Think Tank flyer
3 MB
Wednesday 25 May 2016
3TU.CEE Progress Report
2 MB
Monday 25 April 2016
3TU.CEE- Implementing a new curriculum
641 kB
Thursday 9 July 2015
Sefi 2015 contribution: Team Based Professional Development in Higher Education
193 kB
The research question guiding this search was: What are the benefits of teambased professional development in higher education in terms of teacher attitudes and teacher learning, and under which conditions are they most successful?
Thursday 9 July 2015
Sefi 2015 Contribution: Stimulating feedback conversations
406 kB
This paper reports on the first results of the implementation and adaption of tool, explores the possibilities for implementing the tool on a larger scale
in the program of ID and presents a scenario for redesigning the tool on to realize
implementation on a bigger scale. Consequently, the paper is structured as follows:
first, we provide a framework underlying the feedback tool. Then, we describe the
tool. Next, we evaluate how the tool was implemented and attained. Finally, we
reflect on a potential redesign of the tool and formulate a scenario for the future tool.
Thursday 9 July 2015
Sefi 2015 contribution: Cross Institutional Comparison of Curricular Change
744 kB
The Bachelor curriculum innovations are studied by the 3TU.CEE2 in three different
phases of the renewal process (1) the design of the intended curricula, (2) the implemented and (3) the perceived curricula [2] of the three Technical Universities.
[2] In this paper the results of the first study on the intended curricula of the
Universities are discussed. We tried to capture the rationale behind the curriculum
change and the intentions as specified in policy documents and focused specifically
on the drivers of Change, the change approach and the characteristics of change.
The leading research question in this research is “In what way did the three technical Universities realise their bachelor curriculum innovation objectives?”
Thursday 9 July 2015
Sefi 2015 contribution: A Heuristic to Understand Curriculum Change
244 kB
The special focus in this project is the uniqueness of developing and implementing
engineering course programmes. Engineering is an interdisciplinary field where scientific knowledge is applied to design solutions to solve complex problems in an
“engineering kind of way”.
Thursday 9 July 2015
Sefi 2015 contribution: Engineering in Dutch Schools
309 kB
Since 2004 a growing number of ‘Technetium’ schools in the Netherlands have introduced engineering projects in their curriculum[1]. Goals include stimulating learner’s creativity and broadening their horizon with respect to engineering studies and related jobs. Throughout their school career students work on authentic tasks originating from companies and institutes. The final assignment connects with a Polytechnic or University. As many projects incorporate engineering elements we expect study choice impacts. We found a shift in learner preferences towards design-based engineering studies.
Friday 8 May 2015
Comparing Bachelor Curriculum Innovations at the Three Technical Universities
4 MB
Monday 24 November 2014
3TU.CEE kick-off symposium report
2 MB
This report provides an overview of the outcome of the Engineering and Creative Lab sessions that took place during the 3TU.CEE kick-off symposium
Microsoft Word - SEFI2020_Reviewers-Handbook.docx
1009 kB