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Centre for
Engineering Education


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Inspiration towards education 2030 during TU/e Innovation Day

Tuesday, 6 February 2018
Impressions of the TU/e innovation day

The day after the NIE conference the Eindhoven team of 4TU.CEE organised the TU/e Innovation Day. Special attention was paid to innovations in the context of the Innovation Space. After a short introduction about the TU/e vision on education in 2030, participants could choose between four different workshops. They represented issues of the vision 2030 agenda and how the agenda (and its principles) could be implemented and practiced. 

Selected questions raised during the workshops were the following: how can we design a course for the innovation space? How can we collaborate with fellow teachers from different disciplines (when coaching students)? What would we like to do within "feedbackfruits", what kinds of tools do we need? How can we build an engineering body of knowledge, for example on "hands-on learning"? At the event current and upcoming innovation projects were presented too.

Aldert Kamp, 4TU.CEE Leader for TU Delft wrote a blog about the TU/e innovation day. He found that Eindhoven has put a new dot on the horizon, where hands-on-learning is a key asset of TU/e’s  education programmes. Read the full text here.