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Aniek Draaisma joins 4TU.CEE as project leader advancing teaching

Thursday, 1 April 2021

On April 1st, Aniek Draaisma started at 4TU.CEE as project leader ‘Advancing teaching’, one of the seven education projects that recently started, based on ‘Sectorplan Onderwijs Bètatechniek’ that aims to close the gap between training capacity and labour market demand.

In the coming four years Aniek will focus on initiatives and developments regarding strengthening educational careers for university staff, and on exchange in this area between all universities in the Netherlands. All this, of course, with a focus on technological and scientific academic education.

If you have any ideas, insights or questions regarding this topic that you would like to share with her, do not hesitate to get in touch!

In addition to the activities for 4TU.CEE, Aniek also works as an independent researcher in career development, education, and welfare.

You can contact Aniek at