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Acceleration Plan educational innovation with IT

Friday, 15 January 2021

In the Acceleration Plan educational innovation with IT (Versnellingsplan onderwijsinnovatie met ICT) 39 universities and universities of applied sciences collaborate to accelerate innovation with IT in Higher Education. The University of Twente is the leading university in one of the eight zones: Facilitating professional development for lecturers. This zone focuses on the pivot of educational innovation: the lecturer. How can lecturers be supported in a meaningful way with knowledge, skills and facilities to make optimal use of the possibilities of IT in education?

Covid-19 has had a tremendous effect on the work. Where the expectation was that the biggest challenge would be to activate the majority of lecturers, it changed towards supporting the 50.000 lecturers in universities and universities of applied sciences to make good and substantiated use of IT in their online education. Kim Schildkamp, leader of this zone, gives an overview (in Dutch) of the zone, the activities and the already available results.

More information about the Acceleration Plan.