Part of the
Centre for
Engineering Education
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Centre for
Engineering Education


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Project introduction and background information

The number of students is increasing rapidly and therefore the matching of students to thesis topics and places becomes very difficult. By streamlining this we will improve the procedure and make sure that all students get an appropriate thesis.

Objective and expected outcomes

To make an electronic platform for matching thesis places and topics with students.

Results and learnings

  • Students have to carefully decide on the thesis topics, and have to write a motivation for the thesis. They thus will have to think carefully before starting the application. 
  • Students should choose a thesis topic based on their (scientific) interest and intended MSc specialisation (BScT) or job profile (MSc). However, we do see students choosing for different reasons, such as nationality or friend’s choices. Although these may be, for the student, a proper reason, we think these reasons are an easy way for the student. By having an anonymous selection tool, students will have to write a proper motivation and will be selected on motivation only. This will make them think more carefully about their choice. They will have to study the subjects offered much more clearly and in depth.


This project can work as an example or pilot for many more programmes facing similar problems as we do due to increases in student numbers.