Tanya Bondarouk is Professor of HRM and Technology at the University of Twente (The Netherlands), where she is the head of the HRM research department. Authoring more than 100 international journals and book chapters publications, 12 scholarly books, and editing 12 special issues in international refereed journals, T. Bondarouk has been conducting research into an integration of HRM and Digitalisation, examining conditions for e-HRM implementations, contextualising of e-HRM success, benefits of digitalisation for the HRM function, and involvement of managers in digital HRM. Her current academic services include work as the senior/associate editor of The International Journal of HRM; European Journal of International Management, and Advanced Series of Management (Emerald Publishers BV). She has conducted research with and provided advice to both private and public sectors like Dutch and Belgian Ministries, Shell, Dow Chemical, KLM Air France. In 2018 she won two awards, “The Best HRM Professor in the Netherlands”, and “The Inspiration Award of the University of Twente”.