Léon olde Scholtenhuis, assistant professor, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Department of Construction Management & Engineering (CM&E). I occupy this position since 2016, when I started as researcher in underground infrastructure networks, and construction innovation through digitalization. Currently, I am the lead researcher in my group’s ZoARG | ReDUCE unit, which focuses on the development and research on reduction of damages to utilities and careful excavation. I also teach in courses related to this. I developed and coordinate the B.Sc. minor Smart Ways to make Smart Cities Smarter (for which we won the ECIU Team Award in 2017). I am also a lecturer in the CM&E master. Here I teach in Building Information Modelling, 5D and Planning; Digital Technologies for Civil Engineering; and, Subsurface Utility Engineering. One of my core philosophies in teaching is that it should be engaging for both students and staff. To this end, I try to use real life cases, and involve industry. This enables me to learn myself as well from the project work that students do.
Innovations of Leon Olde Scholtenhuis
Flipped micro-lectures: More enjoyable and higher performing classrooms?
Created: 29/06/2019
Modified: 08/06/2021
Modified: 08/06/2021
This study investigates how micro-lectures influence satisfaction and performance of students. Research questions are (1) to what extent does the micro-lecture contribute to increasing students’ performance? And, (2) to what extent do students perceive the micro-lecture instructional method as enjoyable?
Teaching & Learning Fellows: Enriching the educational landscape with Challenge Based Learning at the UT.
Created: 16/12/2021
Modified: 16/12/2021
Modified: 16/12/2021
The Centre for Engineering Education (CEE) has started a pilot with Teaching & Learning Fellows in 2021. The pilot consists of 5 Faculty fellows and 2 senior fellows (7 persons in total). The fellows will work together on a specific theme for the upcoming 2 years. The theme of