Part of the
Centre for
Engineering Education
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Centre for
Engineering Education


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Deadline call for proposals TU/e Innovation Fund

Thursday 1 October 2015
Teachers often have good ideas in their daily work but tend to have limited resources to actively pursue them. So to facilitate teachers to do this, TU/e has organized the Innovation Fund, for four successive years. This year’s theme is ‘Blended Learning & New ways to supervise education’.

Teachers often have good ideas in their daily work but tend to have limited resources to actively pursue them. So to facilitate teachers to do this, TU/e has organized the Innovation Fund, for four successive years. This year’s theme is ‘Blended Learning & New ways to supervise education’. Teachers from TU/e who have an excellent idea can submit a proposal. A total amount of €250.000* will be available from the TU/e Education Innovation Fund to support the selected calls.

Deadline submission
The deadline for submitting the 2016 proposals is Thursday 1 October 2015. That day the 3TU.CEE team at TU/e also organizes the first Innovation Day in the TU/e Auditorium. The program consists of keynotes, workshops and an innovation market where innovations in engineering education are presented.

More information about the call is available via

*The budgets are conditional, definite budgets for the innovation fund are allocated in November 2015. Funding can be used to pay the salary of student assistants, temporary employees and/or out-of-pocket costs. The money may not be paid as a bonus.