The Mathekalender (officially called the MATH+ Advent Calendar) invites participants to discover the beauty and power of math beyond the subjects covered in school. The annual, digital advent calendar contains 24 challenging math puzzles. The puzzles are aimed at curious high school students, but also university students, teachers and everyone interested can participate.
Annual AMI event from December 1-24 (since 2010).
4TU.AMI joined forces with the Berlin Mathematics Research Center MATH+ (formerly Matheon) in Germany to organize the Mathekalender, originally by running a Dutch version of the calendar in parallel to the German one, later -when the language of the calendar changed from German to English- by contributing some of the puzzles to the calender hosted by MATH+. Each year, the top-scoring Dutch high school student receives a prize sponsored by 4TU.AMI.
More information
- Past winners
- Challenge archive
- Information for contributors
- Information for participants (in Dutch)
- Voorbeeldopgaven (in Dutch)
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