Part of the
Cyber Security
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Cyber Security


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61



4TU.CybSec Courses until 2016/2017

Learning outcomes

Core courses. These are highly recommended for all students (5 EC each)

There are two NeS courses, one offered by Twente and one offered by Delft. Students are free to choose which version they wish to attend but not both.

§ Students in Delft are advised to attend LBS and students in Twente are advised to attend SoS.

Integration courses. (1.5 EC each except MbA)

Electives. (5 EC each, except Q101)

*) Travel to Delft required.

Final year project and local mandatory courses for MSC Computer Science

University of Twente

CoE is mandatory for all computer science master students in Twente. Students from Delft are welcome to attend CoE.

Technical University Delft

Local courses with security

It is also possible to sit local courses that include aspects of security, or that provide useful background knowledge for security, such as:

Please discuss your choice of local courses with your program mentor.