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Centre for
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Centre for
Engineering Education


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Compose the engineer of the future workshops

Thursday, 16 November 2017
Recently a workshop on Composing the Engineer of the Future was held. The workshops introduce a vision of the future of the Engineering profession and different roles derived from driving forces in society.

Compose the engineer of the future workshops

Recently a workshop on Composing the Engineer of the Future was held at the Dutch Design week and at the Teaching Lab at TU Delft Campus. Both sessions were organised by the 4TU.Centre for Engineering Education and Reframing Studio. The workshops introduce a vision of the future of the Engineering profession and different roles derived from driving forces in society. Reframing Studio has joined our project this year helping to build a more sustainable vision on the future engineering roles.

Innovation tool

In the workshops participants were challenged to think about roles and skills future engineers will need. They felt the methodology is relevant for the nearby future 2030 with some of the roles already being realised and some of them emerging at an ever-increasing speed. Participants found the vision to be inspirational and feel that it has enough depth to use it as an innovation tool for higher technical education and professionals. Critique is also formulated as the vision is now predominantly (white) male and western – European in its outlook and should expand to be more inclusive of different world/minority views.

Call for action

We would like to make a call for action to all the minority groups in our institutions to help us and provide feedback which will give us the chance to counter balance the (white) male dominance and to come with a vision which provides plenty of explorative room for all of us. More workshops will be organised in the near future. Please contact Renate Klaassen, 4TU.CEE coordinator at TU Delft, for more information.