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Room for everyone's educational talents

Wednesday, 30 August 2023

Just do it!

The 4TU.Centre for Engineering Education’s advice on Recognition and Rewards of University Teaching

The 4TU.CEE found, in the 2019 and 2022 Teaching Cultures Survey (TCS) results, a vast majority of our 4TU communities that would like education to be of greater importance in career advancement and promotion to full professor. However, the communities' perception is that this does not yet happen enough and they still have little confidence in 4TU leadership in this respect: at departmental, faculty, and institution level. The greatest concern and scepticism is found among mid-career academics, especially Assistant and Associate Professors.

In order to address these issues raised in the TCS, and also at the request of the 4TU rectors, the 4TU.CEE has drawn up an advice: “Room for everyone’s educational talents”. This advice document consists of six recommendations and many concrete possible actions for more visible success in the workplace in recognizing and rewarding university teaching, teaching quality, and educational career paths within the 4TUs.

The recommendations focus on:

·         Concrete actions that could lead to quick results

·         Concrete tools for teachers and their direct supervisors to record, evidence, and share teaching achievements

·         Continuous education for university leaders on Recognition & Rewards (R&R) with an emphasis on teaching and learning

·         Putting the spotlight on role models and successes in university teaching

·         The promotion trajectory towards full professor with emphasis on teaching and learning

·         The link between teaching and research

The rectors asked the 4TU.CEE for a strategy to close the gap between Recognition & Rewards policy on the one hand and how those policies and tools are known, implemented, used, experienced, and perceived in workplace practices on the other. This advice document aims to do just so, but in order to successfully close the gap, we need you.

Do you feel like talking about or sharing your view on this topic? Please reach out to us. We have the warm support of our rectors to actively engage all. Per university, 4TU.CEE will look at what kind of communication strategy will be most beneficial. Additionally, 4TU.CEE will organize a 4TU-wide conference on the recognition and rewards of university teaching next year.  

Find the advice document in Dutch "Ruimte voor ieders onderwijstalent" here. 

“No written word, nor spoken plea

can teach young hearts what they should be.

Not all the books upon the shelves,

but what the teachers are themselves.”
Rudyard Kipling