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Academic Teaching Excellence: Room for everyone's education talent | event 9 October 2024

Wednesday 9 October 2024 / 09.30 - 17.00

Academic Teaching Excellence: Room for everyone's education talent | event Wednesday 9 October 2024

4TU.Centre for Engineering Education organises the concluding event for the Sector Plan for STEM education in the Netherlands subproject 2b: “To jointly offer scientists more opportunities for an academic career with focus on teaching and learning in the context of Recognition and Rewards.” Initiators are Remon Rooij and Perry den Brok, project leader is Sylvia Walsarie Wolff

Parallel to the Recognition and Rewards programmes at Dutch academia, policy measures are being taken and changes deployed to encourage and support everyone to develop her/his educational talent.

In this particular project, we set out to answer the question:

What are these measures and changes concretely and how are they experienced in the workplace?

At this event, we will talk to representatives from all levels in academia about the perceived educational culture at technical universities and science faculties. In addition, international consultant and researcher on promoting educational culture, Ruth Graham will share her latest insights from longitudinal research on the recognition of education.

We are committed to Recognition and Rewards of academic careers with a focus on teaching and learning. You are an important part of this: what are your experiences? Where are you now in your career? Where do you want to be in ten years? Together we can make many educational innovations possible, we can explore and further improve educational innovations. 

Register for this event on 9 October 2024 if you want to join the conversation with colleagues from Dutch universities. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us!


9.30 – 10 AM Walk in , coffee

10 AM Opening by Remon Rooij and Perry den Brok

10.05 AM Welcome on behalf of 4 TU by Tom Veldkamp, rector U Twente

10.25 AM Keynote by Ruth Graham

11 AM Short break & move to break out rooms

11.10 AM Session in 4 groups: Educators, Management, HR & Strategy/Policy, Professional Development

12.30 PM Move to Event space

12.40 PM Lunch

1.25 PM Short pitches of the 4 groups, move to break out rooms

2PM Sessions per university: what actions can we plan?

3.15PM Move to Event Space, Preparation for Panel

3.30 PM Panel discussion moderated by Remon Rooij Perry den Brok.

Panel members:

· Annoesjka Cabo (TUD) – Professor of Statistics for Innovation in Education and Academic Director of the TUD Teaching Academy

· Martin Sand (TUD) – Assistant Professor of Ethics and Philosophy of Technology, focusing among others on Teacher Identity

· Tracy Craig (UT) – Associate Professor and head of the mathematics education group called FERMAT, UT Education Champion

· Ines Lopez Arteaga (TU/e) - Professor of Acoustics & Noise Control, Director Education EWUU alliance, Dean Bachelor College, Advisory Board member of 4TU.CEE

· Rick de Lange (TU/e) – Professor of Energy Technology, TU/e Education Champion

· Blair van der Pelt (WUR) – Lecturer of Farming Systems Ecology, WUR Education Champion

· Tom Veldkamp rector UT)

· Ruth Graham

4.20 PM Wrap up and closing by Remon and Perry

4.30 PM Drinks


Tom Veldkamp

Tom Veldkamp

Tom Veldkamp is Rector Magnificus of the University of Twente and chairman of the 4TU Board of Education. 

Ruth Graham

Ruth Graham

Ruth Graham is known for the 'Teaching Career Framework' she developed, which universities can use as a model for professionalising and developing academic careers with a focus on teaching and learning. She is also conducting a longitudinal study in which 9 of the 13 Dutch universities are participating. This study identifies the effects of measures within universities to recognize and reward academic careers with a focus on teaching and learning.


Social Impact Factory Vredenburg

Vredenburg 40, 3511 BD, Utrecht

You can park your car at Paardenveld and P5 Hoog Catharijne in Utrecht. Taking public transport? Then the venue is just a 5-minute walk from Utrecht Central Station.

Contact the venue via email or call +31 (0)30 - 227 1812.

Source: website Social Impact Factory Vredenburg

The organizing committee

Initiators are Remon Rooij (TU Delft) and Perry den Brok (WUR). The four universities of technology are actively involved in organizing this event:

  • Julma Braat and Rachelle Kamp, TU Eindhoven
  • Cindy Poortman, University of Twente
  • Frikkie Korf, Wageningen University & Research
  • Danielle Rietdijk and Sylvia Walsarie Wolff, TU Delft

Register here: