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4TU.Energy PhD course: Registration is Closed

Monday 11 - 12 November 2024
4TU.Energy PhD course: Registration is Closed

4TU.Energy strives for the transition of society to a carbon-neutral future by offering support to research and education within 4 technical universities. One of the main scientific events to facilitate our education support is the annual PhD course.

In 2023, 4TU.Energy has organized the first edition of the course and has received positive feedback. Looking back including the course program and scientific committee members can be found on the website here.

More general introduction about this course can be found here.

Before your registration, you need to know and agree that:

- this course offers no ECTS, but offers a certificate on which the learning hours and content will be indicated; so you can ask for ECTS at your university if needed.

- this course is 2 days intensive academic program, 2 days' full day presence will be the mandatory requirement for your registration

- this high-level course will cover both a technical perspective and a social-science perspective in the energy transition, but on a broad scope; students with either technical or societal backgrounds are all welcome

- once the registration is open, max. 45 students (according to the registration time, and students in 4TU get priority) will be enrolled in this program, FULL = FULL

- in case not available anymore, please de-register yourself a.s.a.p., so other PhD students on the waiting list can replace you

Date : 11 and 12 November 2024

Place : NH Utrecht hotel (Jaarbeursplein, 24, 3521 AR Utrecht Nederland)

Subject: System, Sustainability, and Societal Aspects in the Energy Transition (3SET)

Fee: the 2 days course and pre-course pitch training are free; but a no-show-up fee will be charged 

Overall Learning Objective:  

-          Describe system, sustainability and societal complexity in the context of the energy transition;

-          Analyse the effects of technical, economic, societal and governance influences on the energy transition;

-          Discuss future opportunities/requirements to achieve the energy transition goals.

Pre-course online training on pitch skills: by professional trainer - Elroy Training (same as the 1st edition which has received positive evaluation results, details see here)

2 days program:

Scientific Committee Program 2024:

Prof. Mina Shahi - Adjunct Professor in Thermal Conversion and Storage (UTwente)

Dr. Pedro P. Vergara (Chair of Day2)- Assistant Professor at Intelligent Electrical Power Grids (TUDelft)

Dr. Gerwin Hoogsteen (Chair of Day1)- Assistant professor in the field of smart grids (UTwente)

Dr. Nataly Bañol Arias - Assistant Professor with the Power Electronics and EMC group (UTwente)

Dr. Queena Qian - Associate professor at the department of management in the Built Environment (TU Delft)

Dr. Nowella Anyango van Zwieten – Lecture and Researcher in Environmental policy/governance/sociology/justice (WUR)

Dr. Akbar Asadi Tashvigh - Assistant Professor at Biobased Chemistry and Technology (WUR)

Annemiek Bles – Program and Marketing lead Energy (Brainport Eindhoven)

This Registration is closed. For specific info and questions, please send email to 4TU.Energy coordinator - Dr.Sha Lou:

You can only use the below form for de-registration.