Part of the
Design United
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Design United


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Design United
25 Jul 2024
DU program on Dutch Design Week 2024
23 Feb 2024
4TU.Design United Probe Funding 2024
Probe funding is for researchers at the 4TU to make the first steps toward acquiring joint projects. Submit your proposals before April 30
1 Jan 2024
Join Design🖤PhD! 14 February 2024
Kick off the new year with  4TU.Design United's PhD Day!
30 Nov 2023 - Source: Christina Ionas
Looking Back at Dutch Design Week 2023
We look back at another fantastic Dutch Design Week.
9 Feb 2023
Perspectives meeting February 9 in Wageningen
Design United aims to connect researchers from the 4 technical design universities, collaborate in research with industry, and ignite Design Research Debate in the Netherlands.
1 Nov 2022
Design United's TRANSITIONS @ Dutch Design Week
There certainly is a need for academic debate on design research at Dutch Design Week as was proven by the full occupation of Design United's Design Research Programme at Microlab, during the Dutch Design Week in EIndhoven. The research themes: More than Human Design, Futuring, Politics of Design, Etanglements of Design and Neo Craftsmanships were addressed via inspiring 4TU projects in debates, workshops, and outside experiences. The organising team of dedicated design researchers managed to immerse a large design community into a deepening and interactive journey, exploring the consequences for design research.
1 Jun 2022
Design Research Themes for Dutch Design Week are set!
Thanks to the joint effort of our Design United researchers, we have come up with a beautiful and relevant set of 5 contemporary themes to ignite this year's debate around academic design research. These themes will be used for our participation in the Dutch Design Week and will be illustrated with design research projects at our Design Research Programme and EXPO, during the Dutch Design Week.
2 May 2022
Design United co-organiser of the DRIVE festival
Like the last 7 years, Design United will co-organise the Design Research & Innovation Festival from 24 until 28 October, during the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven. DRIVE brings together design researchers, design professionals, municipalities, organisations and companies and highlights innovation and research projects by and for the creative industries. Knowledge of state-of-the-art innovation and research is shared, so we strengthen the design sector in the Netherland.
15 Mar 2022
Perspectives meeting 19 April Design Lab Twente
Design United aims to connect researchers from the 4 technical design universities, collaborate in research with industry, and ignite Design Research Debate in the Netherlands.
4 May 2021
Creative ways to tackle safety, mobility and more
Researchers from 4TU Design United have conducted inventory studies on safety, mobility and more.
30 Nov 2020
4TU.Design United op Dutch Design Week
Het Design United team van 4TU presenteerde zich dit jaar op de digitale Dutch Design Week met het werk van aankomende designonderzoekers in vijf thematische talkshows en een magazine. En zoals elk jaar was Design United de co-producent van het Design Research & Innovation Festival DRIVE van CLICKNL.
21 Oct 2020
DRIVE 2020
DRIVE festival 2020 will again be organised this year, only a bit different than you are used to. During the Dutch Design Week 2020 CLICKNL will again work together with  4TU research centre Design United on a new edition of Design Research & Innovation Festival DRIVE. This year you can partake in online, interactive and inspiring DRIVE-sessions. Five days, Five themes.
17 Oct 2020
Design United 2020 - Up Close & Personal
Design United 2020: Up Close & Personal