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4TU.Health - Focus of 4TU's

4TU.Health is a collaboration between the University of Twente (UT), the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Wageningen University & Research (WUR) and the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) each with their own specific healthcare technology focus. 

TechMed Centre
E: techmed(at)

The Technical Medical Centre (TechMed Centre) is a leading Innovation Hub impacting healthcare by excellent Research, Innovation and Educational programmes. It is equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure, ranging from research labs, preclinical testbeds and simulated hospital environments.

In our mission to impact society, we stimulate entrepreneurship and enable (new) companies to grow within our regional Novel-T ecosystem. We collaborate with industry, hospitals, governments and insurance agencies on the development of new solutions for healthcare.

Photo: Laurens Kuipers - architectuurfotografie

Eindhoven MedTech Innovation Center (e/MTIC)
E: info(at)

e/MTIC is a large-scale research collaboration between The Catharina Hospital, the Maxima Medical Center, Kempenhaeghe Epilepsy and Sleep Center, the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and Royal Philips. e/MTIC drives value-based healthcare by growing an ecosystem that creates a fast track in research, development and implementation of sustainable innovations in clinical practice. This is achieved by strengthening the institutionalized collaboration between regional partners focusing on research and innovation in pre-defined clinical domains. Initially, this ecosystem is established within the domains in which we already excel internationally, i.e. perinatal and cardiovascular health along with sleep medicine. e/MTIC accommodates over 100 PhD students, jointly supervised by a similar number of experts from all e/MTIC partners. e/MTIC's mission is to improve value-based healthcare by creating and growing an ecosystem that offers a fast track to clinical innovations.

Delft Health Initiative
E: health(at)

The Delft University of Technology | Health Initiative (DHI) brings together researchers involved in health research and innovation, in order to focus the expertise of the Delft University of Technology and to contribute to pioneering health technologies within relevant (inter)national research programs. The initiative's strategy is to encourage research along with three main themes and to develop a program integrating the technologies from these three themes; Neurology Tech, Cardiology Tech and Oncology Tech. These themes involve diseases that have a high social impact and cause the highest healthcare expenditure, and they are in urgent need of pioneering technologies. DHI is strongly involved in these themes through (inter)national communities and they have a great potential for funding through (inter)national programs.

Wageningen University Division of Human Nutrition & Health

Our mission is to improve human health through better nutrition. We have a broad expertise and outstanding facilities for academic education and research in Human Nutrition and Health. Our five chair groups have joined their complementary expertise in order to provide an integrated approach to nutrition education and research.