Part of the
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


4TU.Health - Ambition

4TU.Health- - ambitionThe aim of 4TU.Health is to connect the knowledge and experience of four leading universities of technology to contribute to effective solutions for societal challenges in the field of health & care.

Societal theme Health & Care

Health & Care is one of the main Dutch societal innovation themes. Its central mission is to live longer in good health. The four Dutch universities of technology have the ambition to contribute to the mission Health and Care with activities focused on lifestyle and living environment, better care and improving perspectives for people with chronic diseases or disabilities.

Health relevant technologies

Within the universities of technology, a wide variety of innovative solutions for healthcare and healthy living is developed. It is necessary to form a clear picture regarding the added value of health-relevant technologies, for both patient and healthcare, so that we can create a system in which a well-fitted selection can be made of promising healthcare technologies. With this, the universities of technology aim to contribute to keeping our healthcare of good quality, accessible, affordable and sufficiently staffed.

4TU.Health as a strategic partner

Research, education and innovation are the core of the four universities of technology, which form 4TU. When it comes to these activities in the field of health and Care, the universities of technology collaborate within 4TU.Health, to emphasize the importance of technology in the transitions that we need to make in our health and care systems future-proof. By joining forces 4TU.Health is a valuable strategic partner for governments and other organizations involved in research, innovation and education in the health domain.