Green Roof
(Blue)green roofs are an essential part of a sustainable future. We want to spark debate on its role in sustainability. What is the public’s perceptions on the benefits and hurdles of adopting blue-green roofs?
Home-builders and urban planners often sacrifice green spaces for housing or roads. However, an aerial view of a city reveals abundant unused spaces on roofs. Blue-green roofs (BGR) offer a solution: transforming these unused spaces with self-sustaining plants, ensuring that we retain the rural within the urban. This greenification can support biodiversity, wildlife preservation, and provide restful recreational spaces. Furthermore, BGR can offer major help in the challenge against industrial greyness.
However, BGR adoption is slow. Despite benefits like floodwater management, biodiversity enhancement, and natural insulation, concerns over weight, cost, and maintenance deter many. This research fathomed solutions to make BGRs affordable, environmentally beneficial, and recreational for citizens to recover from daily city stresses. So what is still stopping us from reaching widespread adoption?
Since the current focus is to gain a deep insight into the public's perception on BGRs, as well encourage discourse on the necessary compromise to be made between synergizing a space for both humans and wildlife, perspectives from the general public are required. Hence, DDW is ideal in investigating the questions suggested previously, with a wide array of stakeholders, to gain a better understanding of BGR perceptions, as well as to provide exposure to the public. To make an impact when it comes to the adoption of BGRs, these demonstrations help to encourage discourse between citizens to make them actively reflect upon the added value of implementing BGRs.