Part of the
Cyber Security
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Cyber Security


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61



4TU.CybSec Syllabus Embedded System and SCADA Security and Survivability (ES4)

Credits: 5EC

Prerequisites: Network security (NeS)

Motivation: Over the last decade, we have see an increased use of advanced programmable control systems in industry (for the control of industrial manufacturing) processes, in so-called critical infrastructures (water, logistics, gas, energy), as well as in large-scale services (airports, hospitals, etc.) as well as in embedded systems (in-car control systems, car-to-car communications, high-speed train control systems, public surveillance systems, etc.). We also observe an increased use of "standard internet technology" for all this applications. As a consequence, the well-operation of such systems also depends on how well they are protected against malicious attacks.

Synopsis: This course focuses on the challenges of securing the SCADA/ICS and embedded systems against malicious attacks, and the design and evaluation of appropriate countermeasures.

Aim: The course addresses the various types of systems, the possible attacks and counter-measures that can be taken, both at design time, and at operation time (intrusion detection), thereby taking into account the specific requirements of the various systems (costs, energy, space and time constraints) and the impact that security breaches might have (dependability and survivability analysis).

Learning outcomes: After this course, the student:

Lecturers: Prof Dr Ir Boudewijn Haverkort (UT/EWI)

Examination: Written exam + homework assignments + practical/lab work.

Contents: SCADA, ICS, embedded systems, x-constrained security, risk-cost trade-off, dependability, survivability.

Core text: various papers from the literature.