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Applied Mathematics Institute


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4TU.AMI summer event in Delft

Friday, 1 September 2023
Report of the 4TU.AMI summer event that took place in Delft on 27 June 2023.

This year's 4TU.AMI networking event took place at the Delft University of Technology on 27 June 2023. 

Scientific director Johann Hurink opened the meeting and welcomed the 45 participants, many of whom joined one of the four TUs within the past three years. Johann reminded the participants that the main purpose of the event was to get to know new colleagues, explore common research or teaching interests, and invite collaboration. He announced the new collaboration of 4TU.AMI with the applied mathematics groups of the University of Groningen. To commemorate this collaboration the first invited speaker was Juan Peypouquet (UG). He shared a very interesting presentation about  'A speed restart scheme for first order dynamics bearing second order information in time and space'.

Johann Hurink (scientific director 4TU.AMI) welcomes the participants.

Invited speaker Juan Peypouquet.

Juan Peypouquet presents two techniques that can help stabilize otherwise erratic inertial methods.

The second invited speaker of the day was Tom Vroegrijk (TUD). In his talk, entitled 'PRIME - Programme of Innovation in Mathematics Education', Tom explained the Programme of Innovation in Mathematics Education (PRIME) is all about redesigning mathematics courses for engineers. As such it is part of the Interfaculty Teaching from the department of Applied Mathematics at TU Delft.

The aim of this innovation is to redesign math courses for engineering students to a blended design intended to improve connection between mathematics and engineering and increase students' active participation and motivation. His talk was very inspiring to all participants.

Tom Vroegrijk explaining PRIME, the Programme of Innovation in Mathematics Education.

Answering questions after an inspiring presentation.

Eating lunch and making connections.

Apart from the two invited talks, there were many short presentations. These were intended to give the research and teaching staff who recently joined one of the five TUs the opportunity to introduce themselves to the audience. (Click here for the full schedule of the event.)

Most of the short presentations had the interesting 'max. 5 minutes, no time for questions' format. Johann Hurink made sure that these sessions ran very smoothly and remained on-schedule. The fact that questions needed to be postponed led to lots of interaction during the coffee and lunch breaks.

Our two running 'Strategic Research Initiatives' (SRIs) were give a 10-minute slot. Alexander Heinlein (TUD) gave a presentation on behalf of the team behind the SRI 'Bridging Numerical Analysis and Machine Learning'. Yoeri Dijkstra (TUD) gave an update on the SRI 'Differential Equations for Phytoplankton-Nutrient Ecosystems (DEPHYNE)'.

During the lunch break a group photo was taken, and the day ended with a BBQ and drinks at the outdoor terrace of Cafe X on the TUD campus.

Participants enjoying drinks before the BBQ.
Participants enjoying drinks before the BBQ.

Participants of the 4TU.AMI summer event 2023.

We look back on a very successful community building event, and we're looking forward to the next opportunity to meet our 4TU.AMI colleagues (again).