Special issue of the Danish Yearbook for Philosophy
Guest editors Søren Riis soerenr@ruc.dk and Esther Oluffa Pedersen estherop@ruc.dk
How does digitalization impact the world, and in which ways can philosophy respond to the resulting transformations? Are our epistemologies, moral theories, and conceptions of human flourishing challenged and changed by the new digital worlds? How can we describe and think about social and aesthetic experiences mediated by digital technologies? Are such experiences to be examined with regard to their data trail and the multifaceted layers of more or less conscious intent in construction of the webpages? Or may we continue to analyze digitally mediated human social life as it unfolds only from a user perspective? Can our assumptions about political justice remain the same in a society in which decisions concerning citizens’ rights and duties are taken over by AI-systems? And how are we to think about national and international institutions in a global society where Big Tech seems to have amassed political power comparable to nation states?
We encourage contributions on the role of philosophy in comprehending the new digital worlds – these can focus on a specific digital technology and its implementation or on broader questions.
Deadline for submission is extended to December 15th 2024 – and there will no further extensions.
For the full call and instructions for authors, see the homepage of the Yearbook, https://brill.com/view/journals/dyp/dyp-overview.xml